Note: * fields are mandatory.
- Academics: If your announcement involves an intellectual pursuit such as a lecture, symposium or academic event, post here.
- Arts & Culture: If posting about a creative exhibit or performance (Visual Arts! Theatre! Music!) use this category.
- Around Town: If it’s not happening on campus, but it’s important for University fac/staff to know about, post it here.
- Athletics: For all things Stag Sports — varsity, club, or intramural — post here (and Go Stags!).
- Health & Wellness: Post things geared toward improving our physical, mental, or emotional health here (and Go cura personalis!)
- Mission and Ministry: If your announcement will aid in the search for God in all things, post it here.
- Tips & Training: If what you’re promoting is going to help fac/staff members work smarter, post it here.
- Information Technology Services: For all things ITS.
- General: If none of the above categories fit, well then, go ahead – post it here.
Event Details:
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