Diversity Lecture: LIBERATION FOR LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC Students

Date: 03-14-2024

Time: 05:00 PM

Location: BCC OAK Room

The School of Education & Human Development (SEHD) of Fairfield University invites members of our community to share in our annual Diversity Lecture Series event.  This year our Keynote Speaker is Dr. Sj Miller who will speak to, "LIBERATION FOR LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC Students" This presentation will focus on the urgency of responding to the needs of LGBTQIA and BIPOC students. This lecture will explore how the lives and freedoms of LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC students are hinged to our in/actions, and how their liberation is inexorably bound up within ours.

Related Web Site : https://events.fairfield.edu/event/diversity_lecture_liberation_for_lgbtqqip2saa_and_qtibipoc_students_why_gender_identity_justice_matters_for_everyone

For more information, contact SEHD / 2032544250 / sehdcommunication@fairfield.edu