Computer Refresh and Dropbox

It's that time of year again! As we prepare for the upcoming fiscal year, we will be refreshing primary personal computers for eligible faculty and staff. This helps ensure everyone has up-to-date equipment to support their work.

If you're due for a computer refresh, you will receive a survey by May 15th. Please keep an eye out for the survey and let us know your preferences. To make the transition smooth, remember to save all your important files to Dropbox before the refresh. This step is essential to avoid data loss and to speed up the installation process.

Thank you for your cooperation, and if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to either Jennifer Anka or Marie Ernye

How to save files to Dropbox on a MAC

Dropbox will show on the folder list on the left side of a finder window, hold command to select multiple files to drag and drop.


How to save files to Dropbox on Windows

Select files by choosing the first file, hold shift key down and choose the last file then drag to Dropbox folder. Fairfield Dropbox folder on the left. All your Dropbox files will be here. You can then transfer data in and out of your local PC by dragging and dropping it into your folders of choice. There is no limit but ideally, you should not transfer large files all at the same time as there may be latency.

For more information, contact Jenn Anka / 4049 /