Drawing Party

Date: 12-10-2019

Time: 07:00 PM

Location: Fairfield University Art Museum

Come alone or grab some friends for a relaxing evening at the gallery! Visit the museum's Bellarmine Hall Galleries on Tuesday, December 10th from 7-9 p.m. to have a chance to draw and sketch with inspiration from Prints from the Age of Rodin and The Jewelry of David Hayes! Drawing supplies and light refreshments will be provided. This event is presented in conjunction with the exhibition conjunction with Prints from the Age of Rodin and Sculptured Adornment: The Jewelry of David Hayes. 

Register on our Eventbrite. 

Related Web Site : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/drawing-party-tickets-63067006113

For more information, contact Emily McKeon / 2032544046 / emckeon@fairfield.edu