Guest Speaker, Dr. Francis Landy: “Poetry, Catastrophe, and Hope in the Book of Isaiah”

Date: 02-11-2025

Time: 05:00 PM

Location: Alumni House

Please join us Tuesday, February 11 at 5:00 pm at the Alumni House. Guest Speaker, Dr. Francis Landy, Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at the University of Alberta, will a deliver a lecture titled, “Poetry, Catastrophe, and Hope in the Book of Isaiah.” Dr. Landy will discuss how Isaiah responded to the catastrophes of his age and projected a vision of a new humanity. This vision required a complete rethinking of all the foundations of Israelite identity and offered a possibility of hope despite apparent disaster. Isaiah is one of the most formidable and most poetic of biblical books, covering the entire trajectory of Israelite history from the 8th century crisis through the exile to the restoration in Jerusalem.

The event is co-sponsored by the Humanities Institute, Bennett Center for Judaic Studies, and Religious Studies.

For more information, contact Karen Langton / 203-254-4000 ext. 3484 /