Self-Paced Modules, Working Group Documents, and Continued Consultations Available Through CAE

As many of you know, the Center for Academic Excellence has been providing support to faculty throughout the COVID period, first to assist with the migration of courses online in the spring semester and more recently through workshops offering resources for flexibly planning courses for the fall semester and working groups identifying particular teaching challenges and working collaboratively with colleagues to find workable solutions.  We now write to offer additional information and assistance to faculty going forward, with two self-paced, online tutorials, and the offer of additional individual, department-wide, or program-wide consultations—always available by writing to us at  Our working documents on targeted challenges will follow in a later announcement, but we encourage all faculty to familiarize themselves with the resources contained in the links below as you continue your fall planning and prepare your materials to approach your fall teaching with the necessary flexibility.
Online, Self-Paced Tutorials:
Instructional ContinuityA Progressive Approach to Online Teaching:  At this link - -  we have attempted to streamline the resources we provided to faculty during the spring migration online, identifying the principles and resources that are most crucial to flexible and equitable teaching online. For those of you who attended March Zoom tutorials, some of this will be a review, though the items are usefully refined and updated.
Adapting Your Courses for Fall 2020:  At this link - - you will find a self-paced tutorial based on a workshop developed by CAE and delivered to over 150 faculty during the month of June.  The modular framework is meant to assist you in planning courses that might be delivered to students in the same course who are on campus and studying online without “teaching two courses.”  We are grateful to the collaboration of the many faculty who, through attending the workshops and making suggestions, provided useful refinements to this self-paced tutorial.
CAE’s Continuity Website:  We also continue to update our original website on teaching continuity, which we originally crafted as we moved to online teaching in March.  Find that website at
Finally, Consultations
We’ve provided the above framework and structure based on our collaboration with over 200 faculty who joined us for in-person zoom sessions throughout the month of June, and we would like all to consider utilizing it as a starting point for planning, but we know your challenges will be unique and specific. Because of that, the CAE will continue to engage with faculty throughout the summer as you plan your Fall 2020 courses. Given the challenges presented by all of our fall teaching, at the CAE will be happy to schedule consultations with individuals or groups/departments on any pedagogical topic that faculty need to work through. As always, we are here to help you in any way we can. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us by email at
Carol Ann Davis
Jay Rozgonyi
Emily Smith
Directors, The Center for Academic Excellence

Deborah Whalley
Manager of Academic Computing, ITS

For more information, contact Jay Rozgonyi / 203-382-3517 /