RecPlex Reopening Update

RecPlex Reopening Update 

As we continue planning to reopen and repopulate the facility, please that the health and safety of our members is our number one priority. We will be observing state, local, and university guideline, as we reconfigure the layout of the facility and update our policies related to the Covid-19 environment.

The RecPlex will not be accepting any new memberships at this time.

Faculty and Staff who paid 2019-2020 membership fees will have access to the RecPlex starting August 3, 2020 through December 23, 2020, at no additional charge. If you paid for a spouse or dependent membership, we hope to reopen to spouses and dependents March 1 - June 30, 2021. Allowing them to make up the time they are owed from this spring.

Faculty and Staff will be able to purchase a six-month membership for themselves ONLY, beginning January 1 - June 30, 2021.

RecPlex Facility Hours (August 3 -August 24)
Monday - Friday 6:00 am - 7:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday closed

*RecPlex Facility Hours for the Fall semester will be communicated through a future e-mail as well as through the Fairfield University daily announcements.

ALL members must have a Stag Card and a face covering. Face coverings MUST be worn at all times while in the RecPlex. The pool, hot tub, showers, water fountain, towel service, yoga mats, guest passes and equipment rentals will NOT be available until further notice.

Feel free to e-mail us back with any other questions or concerns at

Thank you for your patience and understanding during these unprecedented times.

For more information, contact Danielle Anderson / ext. 2049 /