The New Phone System is Live!

The New Phone System is Live!

Please remember to record new voicemail messages by dialing 203-254-5555 - this includes personal and departmental

The system has a default greeting that can be used to start for personal mailboxes, however if you have a Departmental Mailbox you will need to record a new greeting

For written instructions on how to use the phone and voicemail (including visual voicemail):

Avaya Phone Instructions                                    Voicemail Instructions

Visual Voicemail Instructions

There will be support technicians roaming campus on Monday to assist anyone who needs help as well as a designated phone support line which can be accessed by dialing 7777 from your desk phone

If you were not able to attend one of the training sessions you will find a recording here:

New Phone System Training

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For more information, contact Jennifer Anka / 4049 /