Math Center Soft Opening 9/8

Date: 09-08-2020

Time: 09:00 AM

Location: Math Center (Online)

We are pleased to announce that the Math Center will offer online drop-in hours for all core math classes, primarily precalculus, calculus and statistics, beginning Tuesday, September 8. Please feel free to share these hours with your students. We are in the process of hiring undergraduate tutors and will begin offering the one-on-one peer tutoring sessions, hopefully beginning 9/14. All details and the current schedule can be found on the Math Center website (

Math Center Drop-In Hours for the Fall 2020 Semester (beginning 9/8) are:

Mondays: 9am - noon

Tuesdays (except 9/8 which follows a Monday Schedule): 9am - noon and 1pm - 4pm

and Thursdays: 9am - noon and 1pm - 4pm

Please note that no tutoring will be offered when the University is closed for holidays, breaks, or inclement weather.

Students will need to go to the Math Center Website ( ) and log-in to see the most current schedule and to get the Zoom Meeting Number for the Drop-In sessions. 

Related Web Site :

For more information, contact Laura McSweeney / 2194 /