De-Mystifying the Grant Process: Stories from the Field

Date: 11-11-2020

Time: 12:00 PM


Please join the Office of Research and Grants (ORG)

For a Zoom panel presentation


Wednesday, November 11, 12:00 – 1:30

In this session, faculty who have been successful in writing, obtaining, and overseeing grants will share their stories.  Our goal is to provide tips and insights into the process, and help you to think about how to fund your own research and creative work.  Panelists and an example of their grant-funded projects include:

  • Dr. Jennifer Adair, Associate Professor of History.  NEH Fellowship for research on “Politics, Human Rights, and Argentina's Transition to Democracy in the 1980s”. 
  • Dr. Ashley Byun, Associate Professor of Biology.  Arizona Center for Nature Conservation (ACNC)/Phoenix Zoo Conservation & Science Grant Program for her project “Using local ethnozoological information to locate and document the distribution of the southern muriqui” in the Serra do Mar, Brazil.
  • Dr. Mark Demers, Professor of Mathematics. NSF grant for “RUI: Nonuniformly Hyperbolic Dynamical Systems out of Equilibrium”
  • Dr. John Miecznikowski, Professor of Chemistry. NSF Major Research Instrumentation grant for a new 400 Mhz NMR Spectrometer.
  • Dr. Joyce Shea, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Associate Professor of Nursing.  HRSA grant for “Advanced Nursing Education Workforce”.
  • Dr. Sriharsha Sundarram, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering.  Grant from the Earl W. & Hildagunda A. Brinkman Private Charitable Foundation to support research in the area of micro/nano manufacturing, specifically large-scale processing of advanced micro/nano-structured materials.

 Bring your lunch and learn from our colleagues.  See you there!

 Please register via the Zoom link.

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For more information, contact Julie Peters / 2032165812 /