HOW TO BEAT THE RESUME ROBOT: Applicant Tracking System (ATS) Workshop

Date: 02-02-2021

Time: 06:30 PM

Location: Online Location

Come listen, learn and interact virtually with Fairfield University alumni as they provide information about applicant tracking systems. These systems allow recruitment and hiring needs to be conducted electronically. This creates another obstacle for candidates to overcome in the hiring process. 
Cindy Drexel (Global Head of Human Resources at ExodusPoint Capital Management) and Kevin Curtis (SVP, Recruiting Lead, Cerberus Capital Management, LP) will be discussing how applicant tracking systems operate and the steps that students can take to best position themselves to move past this step in the application process.  Additionally, there will be a discussion on ways to create traction in an overall application process.
This is relevant for all class years including graduate students and Q&A opportunities will
follow the presentation.
Satisfies a Dolan PDS Requirement: Level 2: Internship Search Strategies

For more information, contact John Hottinger / 12018195148 /