2022 403(b) Retirement Plan IRS Contribution Limit Increase

The 403(b) retirement plan employee contribution limit will be increasing in 2022. The new 2022 IRS contribution limits are $20,500 for employees under the age of 50 and $27,000 for employees age 50+ (including those turning 50 in 2022).

To adjust your 403(b) contribution amount in Workday at any time, go to Benefits > Change > Retirement Savings.

As a reminder, to adjust your investment options or to change your retirement plan beneficiaries, please go to www.tiaa.org/fairfield or call TIAA at 800-842-2252.

For more information, contact Blythe Josovitz, Director, Benefits & Comp. / x.2995 / bjosovitz@fairfield.edu