Go Move Challenge Information

GO MOVE CHALLENGE Week Four Prize Winners and Information will be posted Tuesday, March 8th

If you could please complete a survey, I’d appreciate it. Feedback is paramount in keeping the challenge going. Thanks in advance.

Go Move Challenge Custom T-shirts -- all participants that have logged 150 minutes (one t-shirt per participant)

50 Custom Baseball Hat Winners: (one hat per person-- this is a reminder since I posed this information last week).

Sonya Alexander, Dan An, Kirk Anderson, Amy Baratta, Bruce Bastien, Deirdre Bennett, Mousumi Bhattacharya, Angela Biselli, Kiersten Bjork, Hattie Briggs, Kathleen Byrnes, John Centopani, Jeff Daily, Marie Donahue, Karen Donoghue, Anita Fernandez, Curtis Ferree, Marissa Fitzgerald, Kathleen Gallagher, Tracy Garthwaite, Marcy Haley, Emily Hangen, Lindsey Hanley, Sara Hanrahan, Chris Hetherington, Bob Hibson, Christina Hill, Pamela Kelly, Lucina Kimpel, Amy Ligas, Marissa Lischinsky, Janice Massey, Linnea May, Colleen McGinn, Sandra Miller, Jennifer Mottolese, Kathryn-Ann Nichols, Tolulope Omole, Terri Pisseri, Megan Rajski, Cindy Russo, David Schmidt, Alison Sexton, Rita Sherwood, Meredith Smith, Charles Sousa, Marc Stacey, Katie Tomlin, and Joan Weiss

Related Web Site : https://gomovechallenge.org/

For more information, contact Danielle Anderson / ext. 2049 / danderson1@fairfield.edu