CT ACE Women's Network Celebrates Women’s History Month

Date: 03-23-2022

Time: 12:00 PM

Location: BCC Dogwood Room

It's March, which means it is National Women’s History Month!  In the spirit of recognizing our history is our strength, CT ACE Women's Network @ Fairfield will be hosting our 5th annual “Nevertheless She Persisted” luncheon on March 23, 2022, BCC Dogwood Room. This is a time for us to connect with and honor colleagues from across the institution. When you RSVP here, please take a moment to nominate a colleague you would think should be recognized for their persistence, tenacity, and accomplishments.

Special guests Erica Hartwell (Associate Professor, Marriage and Family Therapy) and Clinesha Johnson (Associate Director, Student Support) will reflect on the themes of "Providing Healing and Promoting Hope" and "Nevertheless She Persisted" as they share pieces of their personal and professional narrative.

  • When: March 23, 2022
  • Where: BCC Dogwood Room
  • Time: 12pm - 1:30pm

Related Web Site : https://fairfield.campuslabs.com/engage/submitter/form/start/530540

For more information, contact Yolehema Felican / x3165 / yolehema.felican@fairfield.edu