Mass of Remembrance for students who have experienced a death this year

Date: 04-26-2022

Time: 08:30 PM

Location: Egan Chapel of St. Ignatius Loyola

A Mass of Remembrance will be celebrated on 4/26 at 8:30pm in the Egan Chapel of St. Ignatius Loyola for anyone who has lost a loved one in recent months.  November is traditionally the time when we would memorialize the dead, but a significant number of students have experienced a death in their families in the past months.  If you know of any students who might benefit from a sacred space and time to remember their departed loved ones, please let them know of this opportunity.  Advertising is being done through student channels, as well.

For more information, contact Rev. Keith Maczkiewicz, S.J. '04 / x 2379 /