Virtual event for Readers - Lattes with Librarians 7/25

Date: 07-25-2022

Time: 10:00 AM

Lattes with Librarians 

Monday July 25th 10am-11am

Join us for a virtual casual chat over our morning coffee/tea about what we are all reading. Everyone will have a chance to talk. Besides sharing what you are reading, or about to start reading, we will ask you to share how you keep track of the books you have read or plan to read. Plus one of our Summer Reading Challenger's and library student worker, Eden Marchese ‘23, will give an overview of a tool to track your books and reading habits.

Zoom link:

No registration required. Open to students, faculty, staff, and alumni. You do not have to be participating in the Library's Summer Reading Challenge to attend.

Related Web Site :

For more information, contact Lisa Thornell / 2138 /