Open House: International Studies Program

Date: 09-16-2019

Time: 04:00 PM

Location: Conference Center Dining Room

Monday, 9/16, 4 pm, Conference Center Dining Room

The International Studies Program welcomes you and your students to join us for our second annual Open House!  Given the interdisciplinary nature of our program, many students may find our events, clubs and opportunities interesting, even if they are not able to major or minor in the program.  

For prospective students who are undeclared or who may wish to add global context to their academic program, they will learn about the DSB major (International Business), or the CAS Major or Minor (International Studies).  They will learn about the Model United Nations Club, the Undergraduate Journal of Global Citizenship and the International Business/International Studies Club.  They will be introduced to fellowships and scholarships, internships, graduate programs, and career options in international settings.  They will learn about our Peace Corps Prep Program, which also open to ALL majors and introduces students to other similar opportunities in preparation for careers in global health, international relations, environment, international education, foreign service, and global development.  

International Studies Program alumna Nadra Al-Hamwy '18 will join us to talk about networking opportunities and to talk about her unique journey through Fairfield University.  

All majors and minors in the International Studies are required to attend.  

Cookies and hot beverages will be served.  Contact for questions.  

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For more information, contact Anita Deeg-Carlin / 2865 /