Changes to the Independent Contractor Checklist form & Process

Changes have been made to the Independent Contractor Determination form (formerly known as the IC Checklist) and to the types of entities previously considered independent contractors. The Independent Contractor Determination form will no longer be required when creating a new supplier request in Workday for individuals such as preceptors, non-employee students, and honorariums (one-time payments including guest speakers, lecturers, individual reviewing academic program, or individuals playing an instrument at an event). Rather, the new one page Other Entity form will be required. Instructions for determining the correct form to use are listed on the Independent Contractor Determination form. Please be sure to read the instructions as additional information related to completing the Supplier Request is included.

Effective Monday, October 3, 2022 both the Independent Contractor Determination form and Other Entity form will be available on the Purchasing Wiki page below
or through the Workday Purchases Worklet > External Links> Procurement Dept forms and Policies.

Please be sure to use the new forms starting Monday, October 3, 2022. After that date we will not be processing new Supplier Requests using the old form.

Please contact the Purchasing Department if you have any questions.

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For more information, contact Peter Perez / x2699 /