Contacting the Registrar's Office

Date: 11-10-2022

Fall Greetings!

As spring and winter registration are in full swing, the Registrar's Office would like to offer streamlined ways to contact us.  We are currently using the ITS Ticketing System for many requests and doing so allows for us to accurately track and process them in a timely and efficient way. 

We kindly request that anyone in need of our office's assistance submit tickets to us for matters relating to degree evaluations, academic systems, course scheduling, room changes, and other specialized requests.  We are happy to help in any way we can and hope that using tickets will benefit everyone - especially since we how crowded our inboxes can get! 

Click HERE for our ticket submission guidance.  

Have a great rest of the fall semester and holiday season. 

Office of the University Registrar

Related Web Site :

For more information, contact Registrar's Office / 203 254 4288 /