Webinar: Emerging Tech in the Classroom | April 20 at 6 p.m.

Date: 04-20-2023

Time: 06:00 PM

Location: Virtual

Led by Craig Tunks, adjunct faculty and founder of the Connecticut Education Technology Leaders, this webinar will introduce educators to Fairfield’s “Emerging Tech: Investigations in Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence” course, which is offered as part of the School of Education and Human Development’s MA in Educational Technology program. Attendees will explore the latest philosophies and practices around integrating these technologies into their classroom and discover how these cutting-edge tools can benefit their students and prepare them for success in the digital age. This event is a preview of the six-week summer course with the same title that begins July 10.

Related Web Site : https://fairfield.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1kkAQzkHQmG2KOOogPKaGQ

For more information, contact Ashley Demers / 203-254-4000, ext. 3294 / ademers@fairfield.edu