Women's Lacrosse Hosts 2019 MAAC Championship

Date: 05-02-2019

Time: 03:00 PM

Location: Rafferty Stadium

Fairfield Women's Lacrosse hosts the 2019 MAAC Championship May 2 - 4 at Rafferty Stadium. 

The top seeded Stags will play in the first semifinal game this Thursday at 3 PM. The second semifinal game will begin at 6 PM on Thursday. The winners of both games will meet in the Championship on Saturday, May 4 at 12 PM.

Tickets are FREE to all faculty, staff and students with a valid Stag Card. To purchase additional tickets visit maacsports.com/tickets

Related Web Site : maacsports.com/tickets

For more information, contact Sarah Ratchford / 2265 / sratchford@fairfield.edu